by Brooks Mendell | Jan 29, 2022 | Communication Skills, Writing
Writing personal thank-you notes remains an effective way to stand out in the workplace. Thank-you notes send several messages, all good. They demonstrate professionalism, appreciation, and good manners. After an interview, they reinforce your communication skills and...
by Brooks Mendell | Jan 1, 2022 | Writing
In mid-2017, I started submitting and tracking my fiction writing and posted updates in 2018, 2019 and 2020. How did it go in 2021? In 2021, I submitted versions and revisions of 24 stories 106 times to 50 different outlets. This included one contest.Between January 1...
by Brooks Mendell | Dec 23, 2021 | Learning, Sports, Thinking/Analysis
The poet Robinson Jeffers[1] worried that people increasingly failed to engage with the world or to appreciate nature, that we had become blind to the “astonishing beauty of things” around us. When I read Jeffers or Wendell Berry, or watch a baseball game or...
by Brooks Mendell | Nov 16, 2021 | Leading/Managing, Learning, Thinking/Analysis
Growing up, I enjoyed the science fiction movies Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Star Wars, and television shows such as Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers. The stories combined space travel, advanced technologies and humor with themes that demonstrated a...
by Brooks Mendell | Oct 15, 2021 | Leading/Managing, Learning
During my career in forestry, I learned that managing trees is about managing people. Forest resource managers and timberland investors are also human resource professionals. The work gets done through building productive relationships and teams. As with...